= Welcome to Trac for libCF - CFLibrary = CFLibrary (Cheese Foundation library) == wiki index == - wiki:Requirements - wiki:Threading == supported functions == 1. File I/O 1. TCP Socket 1. Logging (advisor: vfire) 1. Utility Code for Debugging 1. Thread & Mutex 1. Codec i. hex encoding/decoding i. base64 encoding/decoding 1. Data Structure i. Linked-List i. Queue i. Stack 1. ..more needs ? == documentation == - documentation with doxygen (suggested by nvdark) \\ https://unsigned.kr/trac/libcf/chrome/site/documentation/html/index.html - 포함된 doxyfile을 이용하여 직접 doxygen 문서를 생성해볼 수 있음